
Weekly Exercise #6 Graph Concepts

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CMPUT 275 – Tangible Computing
Weekly Exercise #6
Graph Concepts
In class we built an instance of the Digraph class based on the description of a graph read from the
input and discussed graph search algorithms to find the set of vertices that can be reached from a
given vertex (i.e., there exists a path between them). You will do the following tasks in this weekly
1. Implement a function that counts the number of connected components in a given graph in
linear time.
2. Implement a function that reads data (in a comma-separated format) from a file describing
a city’s road network and builds an instance of the Digraph class corresponding to the undirected version of that road network. That is, for every edge uv in the graph file, you add
both (u, v) and (v, u) to the directed graph.
3. Implement the main function that builds the undirected version of the Edmonton road network, calls the other function to count the number of connected components, and prints this
number to the standard output.
You will write all these functions in graph concepts.cpp. This file must be in the same directory
as the edmonton-roads-2.0.1.txt file which contains the description of the Edmonton’s road network. Your solution must build off of the files digraph.cpp, digraph.h. Note that you are NOT
allowed to modify the Digraph class, but you are allowed to reuse the code developed in class for
breadth first search and depth first search. We elaborate these three tasks below.
Task #1: Determining the Number of Connected Components
Implement a function int count_components(Digraph& graph) that takes a single parameter
graph which is an instance of the Digraph class and returns an integer which is the number of
connected components in graph g. Recall that a connected component of an undirected graph is a
subset of vertices C ⊆ V such that there is a path between any two vertices in C and there is no
path between a vertex in C and a vertex lying outside of C.
For full marks this function should run in linear time, i.e. O(|V | + |E|), where |V | is the number of
vertices and |E| is the number of edges in the graph. We will assume that an insertion or lookup
takes O(1) time in unordered map and unordered set of STL.
The code snippet below shows an example of calling the count components function on an undirected graph modelled as a directed graph:
Digraph graph;
int nodes[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
for (auto v : nodes)
int edges[][2] = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {3, 5}, {4, 5}};
for (auto e : edges) {
graph.addEdge(e[0], e[1]);
graph.addEdge(e[1], e[0]);
cout << count_components(graph) << endl;
graph.addEdge(1, 4);
graph.addEdge(4, 1);
cout << count_components(graph) << endl;
The first call to count components finds the number of connected components in the following
This graph has three connected components, i.e., {1, 2}, {3, 4, 5} and {6}.
After adding the edge (1, 4), the resulting graph (shown below) will have two connected components,
i.e., {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and {6}.
This number is returned in the second call to this function.
Task #2: Building Graph of Road Network
Implement a function with the following function signature:
Digraph read_city_graph_undirected()
This function reads from stdin and builds an instance of our Digraph class that is undirected.
Recall that an undirected graph is modelled as a directed graph by adding both (u, v) and (v, u)
directed edges for each undirected edge uv.
The input format will be in exactly the same format as the Edmonton graph file. That is, there
are two types of lines:
• A line of the form V,ID,Lat,Lon describing a vertex.
Here V is the single character ’V’, ID is an integer that is the vertex identifier (label), and
Lat and Lon are floating point numbers describing the geographic coordinates (latitude and
longitude) of this vertex.
Important: The ID of a vertex is unique. Hence, no two lines starting with ’V’ will have the
same ID. The vertices of the graph you construct should be the ID values provided in these
• A line of the form E,start,end,name describing an edge/street.
Here E is the single character ’E’, start and end are the IDs of two vertices connected by the
edge, and name is a nonempty string giving the name of the street.
Important: There may be spaces in name, but no commas. Every vertex ID used to define
an edge has appeared earlier in the file, in a vertex description line.
An example input with only 4 vertices and 3 edges is below:
E,1,3,St Albert Road
E,2,3,80 Avenue North-west
You must treat each street as an undirected edge in this exercise. The x and y coordinates, and
street names are not used in this exercise so you can ignore them after parsing each line. This
information will be used in Assignment 2.
• Since the number of input lines is not given, you may need to write a while loop instead of a
for loop.
• The functions getline, find, substr, and compare may come handy.
Task #3: Counting Connected Components in the Edmonton Graph
Your final task is to implement the main function. In your main function, you should read a graph
from stdin, count the number of components in that graph, and then print the number of components to stdout.
Input Redirection
A command that normally reads input from the standard input (stdin) can have its input redirected
from a file instead of the keyboard. This can be done using the “<” character. For example, entering
./my_program < input_file
in the terminal yields the same result as entering
to run my_program and then entering every line in input_file using keyboard.
Using input redirection, you can count the number of components in Edmonton by redirecting
edmonton-roads-2.0.1.txt as the input to the executable.
Note: do not just hard code the integer and print it!
Why will there be more than one connected component?
We obtained the road network description from OpenStreetMap by asking for all vertices and edges
contained in a bounding box around Edmonton. Thus, the roads that crossed the boundary of this
box are not included in the file, causing some vertices near the edges of the bounding box to be
disconnected from other vertices.
Makefile Requirements
The following targets are required:
• the main target graph concepts which simply links graph concepts.o and digraph.o
• the target graph concepts.o which compiles the object
• the target digraph.o which compiles the object
• the target clean which removes the object and the executable
• the target run, which calls your executable graph concepts to count and print the number
of components in Edmonton. You need to redirect edmonton-roads-2.0.1.txt as the input
to the executable.
Submission Details:
You should submit the following files as graph concepts.tar.gz or graph file. Note
that all the following files should be contained in a parent directory called graph concepts:
• graph concepts.cpp containing your solution to all three tasks along with digraph.cpp,
digraph.h, and all other files needed to compile your code.
• your Makefile
• edmonton-roads-2.0.1.txt
• your README, following the Code Submission Guidelines

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