
Interview Problem: Rivers

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CMPUT 275 – Tangible Computing
Interview Problem: Rivers
Rivers are very interesting! Small rivers flow and join into larger rivers which then join into
even larger rivers. This continues until eventually all rivers flow into the ocean. You are
studying such a system of rivers and want to start by answering one basic type of query:
given two rivers, at what point do they eventually connect?
We say two rivers u and v connect at river k if k is the first river that lies on both sequences
of rivers connecting u and v to the ocean. In particular, if u = v then we simply say they
connect at u.
Given a list of n rivers and a series of queries of this form, can you tell us when the two
queried rivers connect?
The input consists of multiple lines, the first contains two integers, 1 ≤ n ≤ 100, 000, the
number of rivers, and 1 ≤ q ≤ 1, 000, the number of queries.
The next line contains n space separated integers indexed 1, . . . , n with each 0 ≤ aj ≤ j−1,
telling us that river j connects to river aj (with river 0 actually being the ocean).
Then follow q lines, each with two space separated integers u and v with 0 ≤ u, v ≤ n,
describing two rivers.
Output will contain q lines, one for each query. Each line will have a single integer k where
rivers u and v connect.
Target Running Time
Each query must be solved in O(n) time for full credit. There is a very natural algorithm
that can solve a query with this running time that does not rely on the standard library.
Though, you are free to use the standard library if you wish.
Additional Requirements
You must solve a query within a function with the following signature:
int query(int* a, int n, int u, int v);
Here, a points to the start of the array of values a[] from the description, n is the number
of rivers, and u,v are the two query values from a single query. The function should return
the river where u,v connect. You should change the parameter names to something more
descriptive, but their types must be exactly as given.
All cin and cout statements must be made within the main function. You may rely on
additional helper functions if you want, but keep all input/output processing in main().
Sample Input 1
3 2
0 0 1
1 3
1 2
Sample Output 1
Given the input we have a1 = 0, a2 = 0, a3 = 1.
To answer the query 1 3 we see that river 3 connects directly to river 1 so the river that u
and v connect at is river 1.
To answer the query 1 2 we see that river 2 connects directly to the ocean and also river 1
connects directly to the ocean, so the river that u and v connect at is river 0, the ocean.
Sample Input 2
7 1
0 1 2 0 1 5 6
3 7
Sample Output 2
Explanation: Given the input we have a1 = 0, a2 = 1, a3 = 2, a4 = 0, a5 = 1, a6 = 5,
a7 = 6.
To answer the query 3 7 we see that river 3 connects to the ocean in the order 3 -> 2 ->
1 -> 0 and that river 7 connects to the ocean in the order 7 -> 6 -> 5 -> 1 -> 0. Both
3 and 7 flow to rivers 1 and 0, the first river they both flow to is 1, therefore they connect
at 1.
Grading Comments
Despite the fact this appears similar to a morning problem, it will be graded like a weekly
exercise. In particular:
• Style matters. Use appropriate comments, proper indentation, etc. Include a file
header. Consult the style guide on eClass.
• You must adhere exactly to the output specification: for example, if you output in the
wrong order or print extra whitespaces then you will receive a deduction. The test
centre must accept the output without any presentation error.
• You were only give a few test cases in the test centre files on eClass. We will test your
solution on additional test cases that adhere to the input specification.
• Partial credit may be obtained if your solution works on some inputs but not all inputs
in the described range.
• Adhere closely to the submission instructions for the weekly exercise. See the eClass
code submission link for details.

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